wpf window focus

WPF Window set Focus Ask Question up vote 8 down vote favorite 2 I have a WPF Window which I only create one time and then Show() and Hide() several times. Now I am searching a way to set the focus on a element on each Show(). Where and how can I c# ...

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Actual Transparent Window is a desktop enhancement tool, which renders open windows transparent either with the help of a dedicated button on the title-bar or by using a keyboard shortcut. You can...

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  • WPF Window set Focus Ask Question up vote 8 down vote favorite 2 I have a WPF Window which...
    c# - WPF Window set Focus - Stack Overflow
  • After having a 'WPF Initial Focus Nightmare' and based on some answers on stack, t...
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  • System.Windows Window Class Window Class Window Class Application Class AttachedPropertyBr...
    Window Class (System.Windows)
  • In WPF there are two main concepts that pertain to focus: keyboard focus and logical focus...
    Focus Overview
  • Part 2: Changing WPF focus in code September 4, 2008 by Mark Smith In the last post, I wro...
    Part 2: Changing WPF focus in code - julmar.com
  • A WPF Window itself is a focus scope, so the main logical focus simply is the FocusedEleme...
    Using the WPF FocusScope - CodeProject
  • Sorry, I think I misunderstood your post. What is the WindowStartupLocation for the Detail...
    Set focus on child window WPF
  • In WPF dialog boxes, I quite often see some code which looks like the following code. exam...
    Setting the Initial Focus in WPF - CodeProject
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4442eb...
    WPF window focus
  • Posts about Focus written by Sean ... In WPF, you can use the Tab key to cycle through all...
    Focus | 2,000 Things You Should Know About WPF
  • 2008年11月2日 - Normal; } Window.Activate(); Window.Topmost = true; // important Window.Topm...
    c# - Bring a window to the front in WPF - Stack Overflow
  • 2009年8月1日 - The GotFocus event doesn't get fired when the Window gets focus, it's...
    How to get notified when a window get focus in WPF? - Stack Overflow
  • 2016年1月7日 - Use Show instead of ShowDialog. ShowDialog blocks the caller until the new wi...
    window focus in c# wpf - Stack Overflow
  • 2012年9月25日 - Set this to false and the form thus marked won't steal no focus no more....
    c# - Disable WPF Window Focus - Stack Overflow
  • 2014年1月9日 - var window = new Window(); window.Show(); ... Focus(); window. ... function t...
    c# - Force Window to have Focus When Opened - Stack Overflow
  • 2013年7月28日 - Trying to change the focus while an event is fired is often troublesome, it ...
    wpf - C# New window focus - Stack Overflow
  • 2009年6月16日 - Try setting the dialog's owner: var uploadWindow = new UploadWindow(); u...
    c# - How do I focus a modal WPF Window when the main application ...
  • How to set focus on child window from parent window. I am opening a child window on click ...
    Set focus on child window WPF - MSDN - Microsoft